Celebrate Like a Child

946169_10153355241385509_8874054819816265590_nI do not want to think that life has made me jaded. I definitely cannot think that way when it comes to my wife. However, I do have to agree that things that used to excite us as youngsters just don’t play out in the same way when you are adults…… or dare I say, adults in their 50s (me not my wife).

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, today is our anniversary. My wife and I take this day seriously as a way to remember pledging our love until death do us part. This day is a symbol of our unity. It does not come as an “Oh good, one more done.” We truly do celebrate this day. We just don’t do it in the same way that our daughter does. As a matter of fact, we have been so busy of late, we almost forgot to plan anything.

Seeing anniversaries and birthdays through the eyes of an eight year old really brings home the fact that these are days to really celebrate. The year is filled with so many ordinary days that young people understand that one should not simply allow these events to pass us by.

This morning our little one surprised me when I entered her room to wake her up. This task normally takes a few minutes as she grudgingly starts to open her eyes and decide to get up and shower. I cannot complain since I have read postings by other parents and the difficulties they have dragging children out of bed. While it might take her a few minutes to get her engine going, for the most part, once she starts she goes. Today, however, I walked in to her room to see the blanket totally over her head – hmmmmm this was different.

She timed it beautifully, just as I reached the foot of her bed, off went the blankets and this Tigger like creature came bounding out of the bed into my arms yelling, “Happy Anniversary!” One would have thought that it was her special day. She grabbed her towel and ran for the bathroom all the while shouting instructions that I was forbidden from going to the kitchen for any reason. Thank goodness I had already brewed my coffee.

Before I could even think about getting dressed, she had showered, dressed and ran to the kitchen. All the while warning that we were not allowed. My wife and I went through our usual morning rituals. I could hear singing wafting from the kitchen, a made up song about anniversaries.

Finally, the announcement came that breakfast was served. We came to the dining room to find cards, a drink with two straws, waffles, a stuffed dog, and cotton balls (decorations to resemble snow). Before we were allowed to eat, a picture had to be taken to mark the day. This was followed by breakfast with a very lovely young lady constantly asking if we needed anything.

Unfortunately, work and school called so our morning celebration had to come to an end. All the way to school, I was told how we should do more after school to make the day special. She could not just let the day go by without making the most of it.

As I sat at work today, I could not help but think about our daughter’s attitude this morning. She asked questions about the wedding and the number of years. She wanted to know if I was happy. Her enthusiasm started taking hold. I started to understand how she viewed the day. Something great happened on this day. Don’t just let it go by. Sing about it. Shout about it. Be happy.

I left work on time today (for those that know me, you understand the importance of this). I started home thinking of making a meatloaf. The closer I got to home, the more I realized that while my wife likes my meatloaf – meatloaf doesn’t sing. I pulled into the local market and bought steaks. We ended with Cold Stone ice cream. I started to celebrate my anniversary like a child.

I end the day looking forward to the next day to celebrate. February will bring both Valentine’s Day and my wife’s birthday. I am going to think as an eight year old as I prepare for both days.

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