Watch out for this trip for it will have a lot of twists and turns.
I have, at least what I consider, a very strange mind. It goes all over the place. I find at times that it is very hard to control my thoughts. Sometimes I even scare myself with the places and ricochets that my thoughts take. The thing that really perplexes me is when these events actually occur. I find that the better the day is, the more my mind soars. When I am more focused on my work, part of my brain is always running somewhere. The bad days turn this part of my brain off. When I don’t want to focus at the task at hand, my thoughts stay put. The worst is on a great day when I am actually trying to settle and meditate. Never happens.
So today, I am going to share a little insight in to my brain. I will be curious to see if this click with others. People I know have told me that it is because I write. I am not so sure about that. I actually hope that there are more people like me than not; I find it interesting to go on these trips. So now, instead of profound thoughts, I introduce you to thoughts from my day.
The day started with a banana. I blame all of this on the banana. I stood in the kitchen making our daughters breakfast and there it was. One of a bunch. It just sat there on the counter. I started staring at this piece of fruit and of course the first thing I heard was a minion’s voice saying, “Ba-na-na!” Sung broke out in my head. Then the music started, “Yes. We have no bananas…” I pick it up to amuse our daughter and make a call. The name kept coming back to me. Who the heck sat down and named this thing. Sites on line, yes, I looked it up, say the word comes from Africa. I really think somebody first said it as a joke. The joke continued and now it is on us.
It did not take long for my brain to focus on my breakfast – a big orange. Now coming from the east coast and having toured an orange processing plant in Florida, I instantly pictured the room where they sprayed this fruit. They spray it orange. What?!?! Why would they do that? I remember that we were told it is for marketing. Yes, nobody wants a dull orange. I wanted to run to the end of the driveway and shout, “They are fooling us!”
My last thought for the morning, at least that I am willing to share, was cat food. It smells disgusting and looks worse. Yet there is our cat begging for it. I know the can says it is real food, but come on – what animal is that? I started feeling pangs of sorrow for our cat. I wanted to pull out the tri-tip from a couple of days ago and make her a true treat. Nope. This cat wanted that can.
Then it was the drive. I will only share one from this. We stopped at a red light. There was a woman in her car behind us. She looked happy, such a nice smile. Next to me was a man who looked like he did not want to go wherever he was headed. Behind him was a mother and son having a “discussion.” I am not sure what the child did, but he was hearing about it. My brain started filling in the conversation. He should not have taken the money and texted his girlfriend to meet up with him. You always get caught.
My eyes went back to the woman behind. She was checking out her teeth in the mirror. I started concentrating on talking to her through telekinesis. I stared at the mirror and started thinking, wave at me. If you can hear me, wave at me. She checked her hair. Wave at me! She brushed her eyebrows. Wave at me!! She looked ahead. Ooops, can she see me staring? Light turned green, off I went.
Work did not improve my thought pattern. I sat down at my computer this morning with a lot of work waiting for me to start. I looked at the keyboard. Okay, if I thought banana was weird, who decided that the letters had to be in this order on the keyboard. I know people will say that it is arranged for ease in typing, but think about it. We didn’t know how to type before we sat down at a keyboard. The letters could have been upside down and we still would have learned. I have thoughts, but I will not be that mean.
The keyboard didn’t take much time because I noticed the cable connecting it to the computer. How? How does that cable carry any information to the computer so that it knows to put the letter A on my screen? I know there are switches underneath and chips inside, but really? How does this thing really work? Wait the screen. Pictures, words, letters, menus. I program so I know how to make these things appear right where I want them to be, but how does the monitor really work? I tilt it, I turn it, I marvel at it.
I did take a break from the office and walked a couple of blocks down the street. Oh the blue sky was gorgeous. Wait. That is science. I know this one, it isn’t blue. The color is being refracted. I feel pride in remembering this. I can even recall the whole life of a cloud. Yes. I do have some smarts. Wait. What color is the sky is the light doesn’t bend? Why does the wind blow? How come that driver just passed me while on a phone?
Most of my day was like that. Thoughts racing around here, there, everywhere. I pondered so much today. I am not sure how I got any work done, but what is really cool on days like this is half my brain continues on task. I get things done.
Near the end of the day, my brain is spinning faster than I could imagine. I need to see if I can stop this from happening. A walk down the hall. That should help me. I walk down looking at every item in the hall. I wonder why this photo is here and not there. I wonder why some doors are open and some are closed. Ah closed doors, yes the restroom. I stop, I turn, I open the door my thoughts started looking………
I will leave the rest to your own thoughts. If you made it this far. Thank you for meandering with me.